They are a direct result of trauma and the wounds healing response over working to repair at an accelerated rate. There are two main types of acne scars: ‘hypertrophic’ and ‘atrophic’ acne scars.

Hypertrophic scarring can occur when your skin produces too much collagen to fill the wound, so you are left with a slightly raised area on the surface of your skin. Atrophic scarring can be caused by a loss of tissue beneath the surface, which the body cannot replace. Therefore, the scars give your skin a dimpled appearance.

To correct scaring I will first ascertain the cause of the scaring. Skin preconditioning will be required to first improve the the health of the skin and then combining LED treatment along with medical micro needling to activate the wound healing response. Old scar tissue is broken down and then the normal production of collagen is stimulated to restructure the former scar tissue.